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  • Writer's pictureFadzie Kativhu


Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Written By Fadzie Kativhu. - Image by @antigonad01 on Pinterest.


The Lucky Girl Syndrome is a concept that is currently trending online. It comes with the notion that switching your mindset into positive thinking but in a specific way that centres luck. You must imagine and behave like you are the luckiest girl (or boy) alive and start believing that great things will come to you in abundance. The hypothesis of this trend or

the challenge is that the more you affirm this as your reality unapologetically, the more you genuinely believe it, and the actions follow.

We are all familiar with the concept of manifestation or the laws of attraction. One person who takes it to the next level is Girls' Education Activist, YouTuber and Young Leader at the United Nations, Vee Kativhu. We had the pleasure of sitting down with the Queen, who embodies this concept of living life unapologetically and chasing your dreams no matter what. Author of her debut book, EMPOWERED, Live Your Life With Passion and Purpose, our co-founder Vee Kativhu teaches us her daily mantras on how she became so Lucky. Vee is living proof that YOU CAN turn those vision boards into a reality!

What has been the most crucial step in your manifesting journey?

My most crucial step is taking it out of my mind and into practical action. I used to spend so long just dreaming of the things I wanted but never saying them out loud or putting them into action. Now I start by writing down the WHAT, the HOW, and the WHY of what I want. Then I begin planning for it and breaking it down into smaller goals because with no direction, you don't know where you are going, and failing to plan is like planning to fail.

What style of manifesting represents you the best?

I believe deeply in words of affirmation and speaking things into existence. The power of the tongue is real, and how you speak and see yourself comes out in how you act and behave. If you are not so kind to yourself and you look down on yourself, it tends to come out in how you operate in the world. So I manifest by making sure I speak nothing but power, truth, love and success over myself every day.

What has been the most important question that you have had to ask yourself whilst being on this journey?

A question that I have always known but got put into better words a few days ago was, 'What would you do if you were not afraid?'. That is the most important question you must ask yourself every day. Like, what are you afraid of? Is it people's opinions? Failing? You have to ask yourself whether that is worth letting your dreams go to the grave with you. If not, you have to go out there and go harder for it because you only have one life on this earth, and the thought of wasting it because of fear is, ironically, what scares me.

How to you deal with setbacks, such as if you have manifested something and it does not happen?

I remember that it is not a reflection of me. It is a reflection of the situation and the moment. For example, maybe my application was not strong enough, perhaps I did not put enough effort into it because I did it last minute at 4 am, maybe I was distracted by other things, or I did not have as much money as the other person to be able to invest into myself/my skill. I always see it as a chance to try again and harder. I consider setbacks a blessing because you learn something new, and the journey is beautiful; that's where you witness growth the most.

Could you recommend your favourite book for creating your dream life?

It's hard because it is a combination of several books, but if I had to pick one, it would be Atomic Habits by James Clear. It's a great book because it asks you the question of what you would do if nobody were watching or if you couldn't speak and we could watch the show; what do your actions say about the kind of person you are trying to be? It is pointless if your actions do not match what you are writing on your list of goals and what you say to your friends. I should look at you and, in an instant and be able to say what you are trying to do and the journey that you are on without you telling me. For example, being on a health journey and choosing options that will benefit your health, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift and choosing the apple over the chocolate bar. I wouldn't need you to tell me because you will just be living it. It's a simple lesson we learn when we are young, but your actions must speak louder than words. And this book teaches you that, it shows you how to turn what is in your mind into tangible things. It is definitely one of the books that changed my life.

What holiday destination has made you feel the happiest and why?

My trip to Cambodia has definitely been one of the best trips I have ever taken. It was a learning experience. I learnt so much about education and life. Also, the food was incredible, and the people were so kind. I will never forget that trip!

To end with can you tell you what makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world?

Being able to do what I love every day! Nothing has happened in my life that has not been planned. Everyone must see it as 'surprise announcements', but everything is by design. I still take opportunities as they come, and I embrace change. But an example of when my planning mixed itself with luck and magic happened was a few weeks ago in LA. One of my 2023 goals was to become a presenter, so when the opportunity to present in LA came up, I was prepared because I had been practising and manifesting the moment. So I felt very lucky when my first gig has been such a big one, covering the red carpet for Elton John's AIDS Foundation Oscars Party as a presenter & host. It was incredible! And even though I had planned to try presenting in 2023, I did not think it would come in such a cool way! - so that combination made me feel lucky!

Your recent luckiest girl moment?

It would have to be my role at the United Nations for sure! It still feels like a dream because it was a massive goal of mine for a long time. To advise, shape and sit at the table with world leaders at the United Nations is so cool. Being around other fellow change-makers from around the world is even cooler and advocating for education in such a way at such a young age feels very lucky.

Top five books for manifesting your luckiest girl (or boy) era?

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